Service Offerings: The Menu

  • The BI Crash Course: Power BI Intro (4 hours)
Intro to Power BI, training, demo, Q&A, collateral, and high level data management and process automation concepts
  • Dashboard in a day (8 hours)
Custom architecture and delivery of a small (one day’s work) POC for a Dashboard your organization would like to build
  • Week long BI review and Data Mgmt and Architecture PoC (5 days)
Week long engagement for custom architecture and POC for a medium size project your company would like to build
  • Full project engagement (variable)
Custom SOW, estimate of the project hours will vary by scope: size and complexity
  • Training in BI best practices and thought process (4 hours)
Half day with Q&A, templates and demos – thought process and BI Solution Architecture, Data Architecture, Governance, Agile, and the Development of BI reporting, KPIs and visuals
  • Training in Agile methodology and framework (4 hours)
Half day with Q&A, templates and Demos
  • Public Speaking for events related to: Data Management, Governance, Agile Delivery, Data Architecture and BI Development Process (4 hours)
Custom topics for public speaking engagements
  • Data Governance Theory: Full Day Engagement (8 hours)
Full day meeting to discuss Data Governance Theory, Best Practices, and Controls
  • Dimensional Data Modeling: Education, Demo, and Practice (8 hours)
Full day meeting to discuss Dimensional Data Modeling, Best Practices, and Examples