What is Power BI by Microsoft
Power BI is the industry leading data management tool on the market today (per Gartner). It is designed to easily integrate data from many different sources in a single conformed data model. Its purpose is to create accurate data models that are agreed to be the single source of truth for an organization to use to analyze and report on for business and financial operations.
It is common for business organization to have very diverse sources of data, both internal and external, that are used to describe operations within separate departments, and necessary external market events. However, these sources typically collect data in spreadsheets, databases or other applications that may not be interoperable or natively interconnected. This often results in a lack of informational alignment and clarity with respect to the definition and reporting of meaningful performance indicators. It also results in a level of uncertainty in setting business objectives and decision making.
Creating a “single source of truth” that everyone refers to when setting key performance indicators, evaluating performance, reporting results and making operational and strategic decisions is a central purpose of Power BI. It provides the opportunity to align all activities and objectives within an organization so that resources are applied to the greatest possible advantage.
There are many other benefits to this data-centric approach to management. Full operational visibility, transparency, improved collaboration and greater certainty in the decision making process are of primary importance. “Rapid time to value” is a key benefit reporting and operational benefit – get answers in minutes and hours, not days, weeks or months.
Data Visualization, Information Management, Analytics, Reporting, and Performance Management
- Businesses need tools that are accessible, affordable, and powerful
- Lightweight, agile, iterative, quick, easy, and cost effective…
- Power BI Desktop puts visual analytics at your fingertips with intuitive report authoring
- It is simple: Drag-and-drop to place content exactly where you want it on the flexible and fluid canvas
- It is fast: Quickly discover patterns as you explore a single unified view of linked, interactive visualizations
- It is effective: Powered by the best data modeling and calculation technology in the industry: MSFT SSAS Tabular Vertipaq Data Engine
- Data collection from many disparate sources
- Collect data from any database, spreadsheet, SAS, Cloud, API or other structured, semi-Structured or un-Structured data source or format.
- Analytics: understand what is happening by capturing information to model the real world
- Identify trends, anomalies, risks, opportunities, data/process/personnel gaps
- Information Economy – certainty allows for decision making and drives action
- Visualization: seeing is believing and rapid comprehension
- We are visual thinkers
- Explore data in real-time in a visual manner
- Manage by exception
- Work collaboratively and interactively using a single source of truth
- Robust cloud based administration and collaboration
- Feature rich control of model development and access
- BI Development Ecosystem offers full front end development capability
- Power BI Desktop, Power BI Services (in the cloud), Power BI Mobile app
- Seamless integration
- MSFT is THE Full Stack Enterprise BI Leader:
- Excel, SQL Server, SSMS, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, Power Pivot, Power BI – Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader in Enterprise BI multiple years running
- Power BI has taken the lead spot over all other data visualization and management platforms
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